Wednesday 29 February 2012

Islands - Hallways

Over here at The Buffalo Ballet, we're always ruining handkerchiefs as we still try to get over the loss of The Unicorns. Bleary eyed and confused, it's easy to forget that Nicholas Thorburn and Jamie Thompson's follow up, Islands, are already on album number four - even if Thompson is now sadly an ex-Islander. 

 Band soap opera aside, the video for Hallways, which was released last week is a real treat. While the production values may have dramatically (and somewhat worringly) improved, clearly quality in the songwriting department hasn't been compromised. 

Led by a rambunctious shuffle as the piano and drums duke it out at the bar, Jim Guthrie effortlessly croons his way through a three minute slice of pop-fection. But enough outta me, have a look at the video above.


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